With the complete office suite included on a CD (which you can install on as many machines as you like), this book makes using Writer an easy decision. Its detailed Table of Contents make it a handy reference for even the most experienced word processing users who want to get up to speed quickly with this program, or make sure they're taking full advantage of OOo Writer's features. Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word provides guidance for anyone who wants to break out of the Word rut. Make a smooth transition from Microsoft Word.Work with Tables of contents, indexes, bibliographies.This handy reference is packed with essential information to help you learn the basics of Writer and become adept with its advanced features.Written for intermediate and advanced users of word processing programs, Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word provides guidance for common and advanced word processing tasks. To quickly master the ins and outs of Writer, you'll want a copy of Writer: The Free Alternative to Microsoft Word. And Writer's intuitive, surprisingly familiar interface lets you navigate with ease. And how much trouble will it be to install and learn? A quick tour of the program will show you: the features you use regularly-from formatting and spell check to using templates and creating indexes -are all there. is the free, open source office suite and its word processor, Writer, has proven extremely popular with both Windows and Linux users.How good can it be if it's free? you might ask.

If you've ever been frustrated by Word's quirks and limitations-including its price tag-and longed for a practical alternative, then it's time to break free. Thanks to, there is an alternative to Microsoft Word.